What We Do


How We Help

Building Peaceful Bridges picks up the resettlement process where the U.S. refugee resettlement agencies leave off. The first phase of resettlement is funded under the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program. Typically, government support for refugee families only lasts for 3 – 6 months. Without additional funding, the agencies cannot afford to provide continued support. Many refugees and their families have barely established their footing before official resettlement support ends. Many individuals are still seeking permanent housing and jobs, as well as developing English language skills. This process also is inhibited by various life challenges, including physical and mental health issues such as PTSD. Building Peaceful Bridges partners with resettlement agencies and other social service organizations to bridge the integration gap.

Our Programs

Mentoring/Sponsoring Refugee Families

Building Peaceful Bridges assists in family resettlement by donating financial and non-cash assistance, establishing a community safety net, recurring monthly visits, assisting in the citizenship process, and building trust, hope, security, and empowerment.

Cultural Educational Events

Building Peaceful Bridges sponsors speaking events in local venues to foster awareness of the resettlement process as well as to educate audiences regarding refugee stories.

Pick-up and Delivery of Non-Cash donations

Building Peaceful Bridges brokers donations of food, furniture, clothing, and other household items to families during resettlement.

Get in Touch

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1400 Patriot Blvd | P.O. Box 535 | Glenview, IL 60026 | (847) 773-7484

Building Peaceful Bridges is a 501(c)(3) organization. EIN: 83-2282738.

Your donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Up to 91% of funding goes directly to help refugee families.

Form 1023 including all attachments and Form 990 are made available to the public upon request.


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